Viktor Ambartsumian Prize 2014 Winners

Prof. Felix Aharonian
(Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, Ireland and
Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg, Germany)

for “outstanding contributions to the field of high energy astrophysics and to the physics of cosmic accelerators, and leading role in the development of the stereoscopic system of Cherenkov telescopes”

nominated by Academia Nazionale Dei Lincei (Italy)

Prof. Igor Karachentsev
(Special Astrophysical
, Russia)

Prof. Brent Tully
(Institute of Astronomy,
University of Hawaii
, USA)
“for their fundamental contribution in the cosmology of the Local Universe”

nominated by the Special Astrophysical Observatory (Russia)

  2014 Prize Winners
  Description of the Work
  Official Press Release
  Award Ceremony